Throwback Thursday

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Without a doubt, tinsil on the ol’ Christmas tree can safely be cateorgorized into a ‘throwback’.  It’s old school.  It’s outdated.  It is old fashioned.  If you currently have tinsil on your Christmas tree, all I have to say is I will not set foot into your house for quite some time.  To me, tinsil is almost as bad as glitter.

Personally, I do not know anyone that still puts tinsil on their tree.  In my opionion it is just so gawdy that I don’t know WHY this was ever a thing to begin with. Venturing out to the stores this holiday season, I don’t recall even seeing tinsil sold in stores and quite frankly I don’t know who in their right mind would even buy it. Do they even still sell it?  I truly am unsure if they still do?  I pitty the store that still has it on their shelf.

When I think of tinsil, I think of my Grandma (my mom’s mom).  When we were little and used to do family Christmas on my mom’s side I still remember her tree like it was yesterday.  It was a tree thickly and generously covered in silver tinsil.  Even then, I remember thinking, where are the lights and where the hell are all the ornaments?  Sure enough, they were hidden under the enormous amount of tinsil on her tree.  As the evening went on it was almost as if the tree vomited tinsil everywhere.  There were family members with tinsil in their hair, for the men, unbeknownst to them, it was dangling off their beard or mustasche.  We’d be eating dinner and I’d be pulling tinsil out of my mashed potatoes and gravy.  There were children with tinsil stuck to every inch of their skin that was uncovered & everyone was doing that spitting and pulling something out of their mouth as if they had a piece of hair stuck in their mouth…but nope, it was tinsil.  I betcha if my grandparents had indoor pets, they’d be pooping out tinsil for months on end.  Tinsil.  Tinsil was everywhere.

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With all the annoyance that is tinsil (and the fact that it really didn’t even look great) I have been wondering what the point of that stuff is….so I googled the why!  Here is what google came up with, “Tinsel was originally made from extruded strands of silver. Because silver tarnishes quickly, other shiny metals were substituted. Before the 16th century, tinsel was used for adorning sculptures rather than Christmas trees. It was added to Christmas trees to enhance the flickering of the candles on the tree.”  …just in case you wanted to know.  I also googled if you could still buy tinsil.  Ahaha, yep.  Thanks to places like TrueValue, Amazon, Factory Direct & Wal Mart you too can still get your gawdy on before Christmas this year.  I know my Grandma would!




Wondering On Wednesdays…

Fashionable I am not. My current fashion motto is: to try and do the best with what I’ve got and spruce myself up when I can.  I am way past my prime for keeping up with current trends or really caring to be honest.  Mostly, I don’t have time for this crap and only really know what the current trends are when I get my hair cut and I glance at fashion magazines or when I’m waiting in line at the store next to the current magazines I may see them as well.  That’s how I stay current.

Whenver I am in public or I am out and about I try my best to simply stay presentable.  I will put on my non-faded pair of black yoga pants or fancy pair of LLR leggings, haha!  All joking aside,  if there is a special occassion or a date night with my hubby, I will try to wave curl my hair and put on my “good make-up”.  I spritz on my expensive purfume I’ve had since college and cast aside my bath and body works spritz (lol).  See… I put forth an extra ounce of effort then.

However, most days I’ve got way bigger fish to fry in my life then worry about who is wearing what and how they are doing their hair and make up with what new tools or using such and such new product.  This is where my age catches up to me and I feel sometimes I step out in the world in a time warp because fads go in and out as quickly as they start.  I don’t know what is going on because I don’t focus my attention in that area of expertise.

Last night though, I briefly caught on television that the current hair trend for this Winter is to part your hair down the middle and that side bangs and side parts are now out.  Huh! Did you know that?  I didn’t.  This kind of crap upsets me though because just because it’s the in thing, doesn’t mean it will look good on you or on me for that matter.

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In my opinion, you should roll with what you look best in not do what the next person is doing because it’s in (I mean I lived through the 80’s & 90’s so that speaks for itself).

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Pretty sure I part my hair off to the side, not down the middle because it is what suits my face shape best and that is where my natural part line falls.  In fact, this morning I told my husband about this new fashion trend and told him that I should try to part my hair down the middle instead of the side.  So, after my shower, that’s exactly what I did.  I literally parted it down the middle.  Took a glance at my face…laughed & said “nope” & parted it back to the side.  I did tell my husband it may be do-able to part it down the middle if I added the wave curl to it BUT nobody’s got time for that nonesense, especially a stay at home mom who has no where to be today and will not see anyone that cares!

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To me, this is just comical that there is a trend that is telling you it’s lame to part your hair anywhere else but strait down the middle right now.  My best advice to you young people is to screw the current trends (unless they are super cute and hard to pass up like booties and skinny jeans) and be you.  BE YOU!

Image result for in a world full of kardashians be you

If it’s one thing I want to pass on to my daughters it is to care less about what others are doing or what others think of you and worry more of what you think of yourself and be your own authentic self because there is only one of you.  God made you unique for a reason and purpose….always own that!

So on this Wednesday, I’m wondering how many of you are parting your hair down the middle because you saw it was the current trend or if you said fuck that I am continuing to part my hair down the side because that’s me OR maybe you are that amazing person who said screw a strait part I’m making mine a zig zag today?

Whatever you do, make sure it represents your true self.  If you own your own style, you are doing something amazing for yourself today and also, you are being your own best leader and role model for the next girl who may have a since of lost idenity.  Be proud of you always… there is only one unique  you!  If you can follow your own heart, I believe you are off to great places because there isn’t anyone who can tell you how to part your hair!

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Aimless 20 Talk Tuesday

  1.  I made a triple batch of cutout cookies, a double batch of kiss cookies, 2 boxes worth of puppy chow & a bags worth of reindeer noses & turtle pretzels on Saturday.  There’s wayyy too many sweets in this household.  However, I gave a bunch to the neighbors beind us and shared with my sister (so far).
  2. My husband and I got my oldest daughter that huge doll house from Costco.  Apparently the neighbors across the street got it for their daughter last year and said it took nearly 3 hours to put together.  We still have not put it together & with 6 days left until Christmas we need to make the time to do so.  My daughter will be so excited over this gift and there is no way she is going to want to wait to get to play with it…it will just be best if it’s put together in advance.
  3. Has anyone else noticed that not many people jumped on the band wagon and sent out Christmas cards this year?  We usually have so many cards I run out of places to hang them up.  This year, I’ve only needed my one card holder board.  This makes me sad.  I love getting Christmas cards.  However, I must admit that I contemplated not sending them out this year.  I feel like I say that every year, but this year I really contemplated it.  Maybe it will be the last.  I wonder if that tradition is a dying tradition.  If you sent out Christmas cards this year what made you send them?  If you didn’t send them out this year, why not?  I’m just curious.
  4. My mom said she read my throw back Thursday post about her blue moon boots and bread bags…she said it made her laugh.  I didn’t know my mom read by blog, haha!
  5. I stepped in dog poop outside yesterday while pulling my daughter in the sled.  I wish I would have been wearing breadbags over my boots, damn it.  It was pretty fresh too but the one good thing about stepping in dog poo in the snow that is fresh is that it’s easy to get off because of the snow.  Ugh, either way so gross!
  6. I’m trying so hard to grow out my nails.  I’ve never had long or strong nails.  It’s been a horrible habit of mine but I pick and peel and bite them…honestly, sometimes I don’t even realize I’m doing it until it’s too late.  However, I’ve been trying to be conscious of this bad habit and break it.  However, my nails still are pretty thin and break easily.  Anyone  have any tips or trick for me for growing out nails?  I really want better nails.
  7. Weaning is not going well.  As in K is still nursing strong & has no desire to quit.  HELLLP!
  8. E had her church Christmas concert on Sunday.  She had been practicing for weeks and was very excited over it.  I was not expecting half the turn out that  was there on Sunday, and although great that so many people came, it was sad for this mama because there were so many people all I could see was my daughter’s headband bow sticking up loud and proud, but I could not see my darling daughter.  My husband was able to move into view where she could see him and he could see her, but I know she was disapointed (as I was) that she couldn’t see us both.  Our chuch is working on expanding and building a bigger church for reasons such as this (to accomodate our growing church family) and I fully support this misson!
  9. Guys the lack of storage in our house is becoming a growing problem (my closet especially) and no I will never stop stocking my closet (lol). If we ever build here are some things on my list:  A his and her walk in closet.  A closet that is not inside the bathroom.  A laundry room with a utility sink, counters and ample space to fold and hang dry laundry with storage.  Two coat closets upon entry-one at the front door and one near the garage entrance.  I also want 4-5 lockers (we currently only have 2).  I want a kitchen Island and a walk in pantry closet.  I also want a kitchen that has a window in addition to the patio window with natural light coming in.  I want more natural light in my living room as well.  Our main bathroom needs two sinks so both girls can get ready at the same time.  …seriously my list could go on and on an on and on.
  10. Does anyone have or use the Ava bracelet?  I am really intrigued by this little device and I’d love to know more from “real” people, not celebrity’s who likely get paid to endorse it.
  11. E is so close to earning her Build-A-Bear for good behavior.  This is going to be an expensive reward, but something that she’s been working towards for a long ass time now.  Hopefully she can make it happen so we can go do that over winter break and start working towards a new reward.  She’s been in thr process of earning this reward since before school started…I really had no idea it was going to take her this long but her behavior has  been less then perfect in the past few months!
  12. On facebook, I’ve had some of those videos from the past surface of E from just last year and I am in utter disbelief how much she has grown and changed since last year.  Guys, it is so bittersweet.  Last year, it seemed there wasn’t an ounce of sass in her she was still very sweet and very innocent.  It’s amazing what Kindergarten has done to my sweet girl.
  13. Romans 12:6 says, “And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us each exercise them accordingly.”
  14. #nerdalert  Is it pathetic that the thing I am most excited about for 2018 is being able to use my new planner?  I love new planners!!!
  15. #TMI  Is it a coincidence that I just finished my last sip of coffee and like clockwork I have to poop?  …excuse me.
  16. Ahhhh, much better 🙂
  17. My daughter’s Christmas vacay and winter break starts Friday afternoon (they have a half a day).  Trying to think of some fun things we can do for the week she’s off.  I’d love some quality family time.
  18. Also, my husband and my wedding anniversary is coming up in April and I’d love him and I do go away for the weekend.  However, I don’t know where we would go or what we want to do.  Honestly, just the thought of a full nights sleep is screaming Happy Anniversary to me!  Lol.
  19. I swear my youngest daugher learns most of her habits from our dog.  She cracks me up!
  20. I’m on episode 52 of Matt and Doree’s Eggcellent Adventure.  If you are looking for a great podcast to listen too on the topic of IVF this is a great one to follow!  If you have any other reccomendations for podcasts on any topic give a shout out to them in the comments!  I’m always looking for new ones to follow!

Throwback Thursday

We got our first snow accumulation yesterday here in Eastern Wisconsin.  I was starting to think we wouldn’t have a white Christmas for a while, but it looks like a winter wonderland out my window now.  The first big snow fall always feels like a magical time for both adults and kids.  I don’t care if you really like snow or you don’t, there is just something exciting and beautiful about it no matter what.  It’s the aftermath that we all know isn’t so much fun, which typically involves the drifting and blowing snow, ice, plowing and shoveling, traveling and the freezing cold that follows.  As an adult, snow always brings out my inner child.

When I was younger, I remember my mom’s blue moon boots and her getting out bread bags to put over our feet before we stuck our feet into our boots.  My mom had probably been saving bread bags all summer in preparation for winter to ensure that our feet would indeed stay dry and warm in the winter.  It still puts a smile on my face just thinking about her blue moon boots and my sisters and I and all the day care kids walking around in our bread bag covered feet.

Who remembers moon boots and breadbags in the winter?  It surely is still one of those favorite throwback memories I like to think about this time of year and one of the simple memories I will never forget.

Image result for bread bags in your boots

Wondering On Wednesday…

There hasn’t been much to talk with you all about our journey with baby making lately, or where we are at with that.  Initially, our journey with infertily was the soul purpose of this blog and I’ve gotten way off topic because we overcame it for a small season in our lives.  However, it has been weighing heavily on my mind as of lately….again.  In case you’ve been wondering too, I thought I’d take this opportunity to fill you in briefly.  Part of this journey begins with just the desire and the single thought that you want to have another baby.  I am there.  If I’m honest with myself, I knew the second K was born that when we were able to start trying again, on our own, I didn’t want to waste one second.

Currently, my hubby and I are in a lull period.  Maybe you’ve been there before yourself, or are currently there now.  I desribe our lull as the time after having a successful pregnancy, after your first and only successful IVF, where you know you would like at least one more child to add to your family.  It’s that familiar feeling, pinging in your heart, where you know you just are not done yet.  However, you know that having another one is so far out of reach for you and you really don’t know if that longing will ever be fullfilled.  It’s that time you and your partner talk about it and talk timelines because you know time is ticking and you are not getting any younger.  It’s that time where you start thinking, dreaming, hoping and making the starting steps to try to make it happen before becoming fully obsessive over making it happen.  It’s that time where you tell yourself you are not going to become crazy over this BUT know that if it doesn’t happen within your timefram you WILL become crazy again.

However, we all know that when infertility is thrown into the mix, making a baby deems more complicated then simply making the decision to have another one, trying for one and then poof it happens easily.  In all honestly, the simple desire to want to have another one scares me because  I know it won’t be easy.  I question my want to have another because of that reason alone.  I’ve been down this long and daunting road once before, and although it was worth it, do we have it within us to possibly go down a similar road again?  I’m older.  I’m a mom of 2.  I’m tired.  I also know how blessed I am with my two, healthy beautiful girls and is it fair for us to go down this road with them in tow?  Am I letting my fear of the anticipated journey fog my thinking?

Already, there is just so much to consider and so much to think about.  Psalm 56:3 says, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.”  Luci Swindoll shared her prayer about fear in my devotional and it is one I am going to continue to pray for myself in this time of worry and indiscriminate fear.  I want to share it with you, she says, “What a blessing it is, Lord, to know you are my strength and confidence.  I am so glad I don’t have to depend on myself at this moment.  Give me the comfort I need from you to meet my fear head-on, knowing full well that I am completely safe when I put my trust in you. Amen

Whatever happens, I just need to find peace in that and I know that God is always bigger then my fear.


Motivational Monday for Mombies

The question, “How are you doing?” can feel like a loaded question that others ask me.  It can also feel like a routine question instead of a sincere question.  Oftentimes, I feel uncomfortable getting asked this question by others because I don’t know how to interpret it.  Most of the time, I am compelled to answer, “Oh, I’m good or I’m fine”.  The reason I am so quick to answer in this mannar is because I am confused if this is just another person’s way to greet me, or if they really do want to know how I am doing.

In most cases, I can tell if it was used as a greeting or if someone was really wanting to know more information.  Sadly though, I can’t recall the last time someone genuinely asked me or took the time to find out how I was  actually doing and took the time to challenge me to go beyond the closed ended response I give.  After responding, I am also typically prone to close the book on that question in regards to how I am doing and I return the same question to the person I am talking with.  I admit that I almost expect a similar response from them in return most of the time. The conversation ends as quickly as it started and you are left feeling empty, almost like you never even talked to someone at all.

This conversation starter question or greeting can be a dead end question. It often leads to a dead end exchange between two people.  This is sad, but I’m sure many of you can also relate to what I am talking about.  I am asked how I am doing almost on a daily basis.  Yet, I honestly can say that I can’t remember the last time someone geuninely asked me how I was doing and when I responded that I was good or fine, they then took the added steps to find out what that means or ask follow up questions to ensure I am ok.  I am also responsible for not going that extra mile at times too.  It can feel out of place and awkward.  I wonder though, when we as friends, family and neighbors just got so busy to reach out and go that extra mile in conversation though?

In conversation, follow up questions are so important & in today’s world I find it so important in conversation with others to find out how someone is really doing.  If you want to greet someone, say Hello or Good-morning don’t confuse them by asking how they are doing without actually wanting to know more.   Ask questions with intent in really letting someone know you care how they are doing.  I often think about the many times I have told others that I was good or that I was fine when I really wasnt and in those moments, I was hoping they would reach out further to me.  It saddens me to know how many people I have came across in my lifetime where I haven’t reached out to them in their time of need as well simply because I didn’t reach out and extend myself further.  You just never know how really taking the time to find out how someone is doing could change their entire day or their life.

If someone responds in a way that makes your conversation dead quickly and you really do want to know how they are doing, here are some other pointers to help them open up to truly make sure they are fine:

-Put away all distractions and give them your undivided attentions (yes, put that damn cell phone away and actually make eye contact with this person).

-Actually listen and pay attention to their body language.

-Ask encouraging questions that let them know you are interested in their lives.

-Make it clear that you have time to talk to them and that you are here if they need to talk and that you care about them.

-Continue asking questions that prompt them to open up and let them know you care.

-Follow up with them in a day or two to let them know you are thinking about them and just checking in.

Today, I challenge you to ask someone how they are doing, but ask them with intent.  Stop and look them in the eye.  Do it with sincerity. Do it with care.  Do it with love.  Do it in support.  Do it with meaning.  This time of year especially is hard on people.  Reach out & go that extra mile.  Be present.  Be there.  Be a friend.  Don’t stop there, follow up with them and continue to let them know you care and are there for them.  Sometimes words are not enough either, random acts of kindness also go a long ways!

So, today I am asking you Mombies out there how are you doing?  I will not take I’m fine or I’m good for an answer.  Truly, how are you doing? I care and I know all to well the stresses and struggles go hand in hand with the love and joys you feel towards your children and partners in life but if we are honest with each other we know that we are not always fine and good.  Life can feel like you are up and down and all around.   I’d love to hear your honest responses in my comments, I’m here to listen and actively respond to anything you’d like to get off your chest.


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Wondering On Wednesdays…

Image may contain: one or more people

This is basically how our week is going in my household.  First my 5 year old was hit with the flu on Sun-Mon and our 1 year old was hit with it Tues and is still out of sorts from it today.  I know so many others who have been hit with this virus and it is seriously no joke.  It hits hard & it hits fast and likes to play dominos by knocking out each and every single family member.  I’m wondering who’s gonna be next?  My husband or myself?  Knock on wood we have not yet gotten it but I fear the worst given what I’ve been hearing from others.

For those unlucky followers that have also been hit with this flu, I am sorry!  If you already have suffered with it, or if you currently are, my deepest sympathy goes out to you.  Our washing machine has been going strong since Sunday afternoon.  I feel like I’m getting high off lysol fumes and I have that permanent puke smell imbedded in my nose.

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I’m burnt out and keep praying to see the end of this madness.

Not only that, but it’s so hard seeing your kiddos sick.  I’ve been doting them with endless TLC but when you are doing everything in your power to make them well and they still are sick, it’s just no fun.  I know it will run its course no mater how much motherly love I give them, but I am getting impatient.  As you can see in the picture above, my little one was just a lifeless noodle yesterday.  It was heartbreaking.

Hopefully my kiddos kick this soon and we (my hubby and I) somehow dodge the bullet.  Wish us luck!  Wish me luck especially because it’s one thing if I get this bug, but we all know it’s another thing when our husbands get sick.   Dear God spare at least my husband from this!!!!!!!!!!

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Motivational Monday for Mombies

Image may contain: one or more people

Guess what arrived at our house Sunday afternoon?  Yep.  You guessed it…the flu bug.  Was it the ice cream pail, in the picture, that gave the answer away?!  Growing up, our go to puke bucket was always an ice cream pail, so I figured I should carry on the tradition.

This nasty virus quickly invaded my oldest daughter’s little body without her (or my) permission.  Not only that, but it invaded her little boyd fast and furious.  She was to the point where she couldn’t even keep water down.  As you can imagine this was not enjoyable for her,  poor little lady!  However, it also wasn’t fun for my husband and I.

As a parents, we always hate to see our little’s sick and we do everything in our power to dote them with love and affection and give into any little thing they need or want in that moment.  However, this can take it’s toll on you and as the caregiver it can easily become exhausting.  When this happens you may start to get burnt out.  This proved true in our household yesterday as silly little arguments quickly ensued between my  husband and I as the day went on.  How can this be avoided?  It really can’t.  It happens and it is all part of the “fun”.  However, there are little things we can do for ourselves, while our caregiving abilities are being exhausted to the max.  Here are a few tips:

  1.  Stay connected with life outside the walls of your home.  After dumping puke bucket after puke bucket yesterday, it was time for a break.  My mom actually called me and I could have easily hit the hang up button, but gladly took her call.  I only chatted with her for about 15 minutes, but it was a nice and much needed break.  My husband also did this and went outside and picked up the dog doo in the yard and chatted with our neighbor of a bit.  These connections may be brief, but they are so needed.
  2. Stay hydrated and make sure you are eating.  After watching my daughter empty her stomach all afternoon it doesn’t leave much room for an appetite, however, it is so important to stay hydrated and eat.  These things keep you healthy as well and keep your energy level up.  If you are not keeping up with your diet you will notice your energy levels dipping.  In fact, yesterday I started to get a headache and realized I was so concerned about my daughters fluid intake I was forgetting about my own.
  3. Lean into your help.  My husband and I failed miserably at this yesterday.  It is so important that if you have help, to work together and support one another.  If you see they are struggling sometimes a simple hug is enough to make things seem better or even a quick shoulder rub.  Sometimes even just communicating to one another, “we’ll get through this together” so you know you are not alone in it helps too or even simply asking them if they need a break and you can take care of things while they are doing so.  A little bit of teamwork, communication, and help from your help and in my case, my partner (hubby) goes a long way!
  4. Take a 20-30 minute brisk walk outside.  If you’ve been stuck inside all day caring for a loved one, there is just something so rejuvinating about fresh air and exercise.  This is one self care tip you don’t want to skip!  You will feel the positive affects almost immediately.  If you have a dog, be sure to take them on the walk too…they will be so grateful to get out too.
  5. Snuggle or nap too.  Sometimes it is hard to rest when they rest especially if you have other kids to take care of and no help, but if you are able to, give yourself permission to snuggle with your sick kiddo or nap when they nap.  Even if it’s a quick power nap or sitting down to watch a movie with your little that’s ok.  The chores and all the other to-do’s can wait.  You will likely need rest or a nap when you can get it to give yourself the energy to power through this sickness.  Also, rest will help your body ward off catching this virus too!

I hope the flu bug stays at bay for all of you and I am crossing my fingers that myself and the rest of my family do not experience this flu bug either.  Good luck!