Mombie Mondays

Here we are.

Today is the last day of summer vacation for my oldest, who will be entering into the 3rd grade.

All these bittersweet feelings are starting to overcome me and I just feel like crying. Most years, this is the norm for me to feel so many emotions. It’s hard not to. I mean I am sending my daughter into the world on her own, she is growing up and this means letting go just a bit more the last year. This can just feel down right scary.

However, this year is completely different and has an entirely new element of uncertainty and feelings of being scared sending them back during this ongoing pandemic. It comes along with a lot of change for them and for parents. I can’t help but feel so incredibly sad sending my daughter off to third grade knowing that wearing masks, peer separation and social distancing, no touching (no high fives, no hugs, no anything), among a whole other list of things is the new normal for our children. My heart simply hurts. Today, I’m hugging my daughter just a little big tighter for a little big longer.

I think like the rest of you Mombies out there, we are all just craving our old normalcy to come back. We wish and pray with our entire being that this pandemic will end. The heaviness of it all has just been way too overwhelming. However, here we are…we’ve made it to August 31st, the end of summer and the beginning of a new chapter for our kiddos. They are living a moment in history that will be talked about when they have children. They will tell them of the struggles, the hardships, and of the changes. However, they will also talk about unity, hope and how they overcame it all.

We all may have our doubts about this year, but our children are thriving through it and we are all just doing the best we can with all of our new norms. We may not like them, or agree with everything going on, but we are still just trying our best to live, to laugh, and to love. Sending love and hugs to all you mombies out there sending off your babies to school. I know it is not easy.

Wondering On Wednesday

I wished for you hard. I prayed for you every single day for years. Every obstacle it took for the stars to align for you to come into our world, I would do again in a heartbeat.

However, I’m wondering baby girl, where has the time went?

You certainly are not a baby anymore. You are embarking on a new journey to preschool soon. This will allow you to spread your wings on your own. This involves your mama letting go, even though it is hard and scary and I just want to continue holding onto you oh so tight. In my eyes, this is one of the most bittersweet parts of being a parent.

I want to hold on longer. I want to trap these little innocent girl pieces of you that are left, right here and right now into a box so I can savor them forever. Instead, I cherish the memories of the past and am so grateful to see you thriving, growing and healthy and turning into your own unique and special person.

No one ever said this parent things would be easy, but it certainly is worth it all.

I love you Kynnslee and I know you will just love venturing off into this BIG world all on your own as you embark this magicial time in 3K preschool!

Aimless 20 Talk Tuesday

  1. It’s pouring outside and for once I am grateful because we really need this rain! Also, the rain is matching my mood today.
  2. This evening, Kynnslee gets to meet her 3K teachers! I will have to keep you posted how it goes. I have a feeling I will have more bruised shins (funny, not funny).
  3. I almost forgot that my massage appointment that got rescheduled, is coming up this Friday. I could not welcome it anymore. it’s been a week and it’s only Tuesday.
  4. As much as the feelings are bittersweet about the kids going back to school, I think I will enjoy my 1:1 time with Kynnslee again and also the two hours I will get to myself on Monday’s and Wednesdays. I think Etta will actually miss me after not seeing me all day since we’ve been together since March. I will miss my sweetie pie stinkers though don’t get me wrong, but this Mama is feeling burnt out 1000%.
  5. Yesterday was emotionally draining for more then one reason. Zach and I must have chatted in bed for almost an hour and a half and then I just could not fall asleep. My fitbit says I finally fell asleep at 2:32am. I’m feeling the sleep deprivation hard core this morning.
  6. I received a package on Sunday from Amazon and when I got the email notification they actually attached a picture of the actual package and where they had placed it. I’ve never had this happen before so I was surprised that they do this now. It is nice!
  7. My hives calmed down yesterday shortly after taking the benadryl. My legs still feel a little itchy and I can feel little bumps but nothing like yesterday. I never ate anymore salsa yesterday to see if they flaired up and that was the culprit either but I may find out again today and eat the damn salsa we slaved away at making on Sunday.
  8. I love the moments that the girls are playing together and actually getting along. It is happening right this moment and I couldn’t love it more.
  9. Currently reading another book by Emily Giffin called, “The Next Best Thing”. I have loved every book I have read by her so far!
  10. Needing to make a grocery haul again. We are getting low on lunch foods and I haven’t made a good meal in a really long time and I think we are all so tired from eating the same old things every single day. I feel like we’ve just been eating easy throw together meals or finding things. Hopefully with a little more time with K starting school, I will have time to get back in the grind of meal planning again.
  11. We sent another draft of our floor plan with changes to the drafter. We keep going around in circles about this house. Do we have a soaker tub or don’t we have a soaker tub? Do we go with this layout or that? I completely understand why people feel so stressed when building a house. We haven’t even come up with a solid plan yet and we are stressed out.
  12. Here is your daily reminder to stop what you are doing and drink a full glass of water.
  13. Yesterday I tried a new arm and cardio workout and it hurts to lift my arms above my head today. It really challenged me, but I was proud that I pushed through and did not give up. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger I guess!
  14. I think I’m opting out of playing soccer this first Fall session and it really bums me out. I need Thursday night soccer back in my life.
  15. Someone posted this and it made me giggle, “At this point Jesus doesn’t need to take the wheel, he needs to pull over and whack you upside the head with his flip flop”. Bahahahah! So true!
  16. My oldest daughter is a book worm. We have so many books. Some we’ve ready many times and others she hasn’t quite read yet (like all the chapter books she has collected). How do we store all these books. Some I have no problem getting rid of, but others I want to save for when K is older or just save in general because they are awesome books!
  17. On that same note, I need to start transitioning all the toys out of my girl’s rooms and put in one area of our house. Their rooms are just too cluttered with so many things. All my husband and I do is pick up things all damn day and it’s exhausting. I can think of a 1000 other ways I’d rather be spending my time.
  18. I have a feeling my hubby and I need to invest in a new laptop. This one just is so slow and too many things are starting to pop up that shouldn’t and I don’t even want to mention to you how old this one is that we use. I’ll add it to my lengthy list of needs, like a new mattress.
  19. I have one more headboard I need to paint. I’ve just been procrastinating getting the paint. Right now it’s on our downstairs guest bed but once I paint it it will go on Kynnslee’s bed.
  20. How is it already noon o’clock?!

Mombie Mondays

If you haven’t noticed, I did a title switch. I typically have called Monday blog posts Motivational Monday for Mombies. However, I decided to expand my topic conversations by talking all things Mombie on Mondays and going with Mombie Mondays instead. If you liked my motivational bits on Mondays in the past, don’t worry! I promise you I will still post motivational pieces every now and then. If you really don’t like this new bit let me know and I will go back to old format. Changing it up can be a new adventure for all of us. Thanks for coming along for the ride!

How’s your Monday going so far Mombies?

I woke up with hives going up and down both my legs. I’m not sure what I am having an allergic reaction to. The only new thing yesterday that we ate was home made Salsa. We had so many tomatoes to use from our garden we decided to make a few double batches of our own Salsa. I really don’t see being allergic to any of the ingredients we used though because everything that we put in our Salsa has been things I’ve had before with no troubles.

It seemed as thought as the morning went on the hives were getting more lace looking and spreading so I decided I should probaly take an antihistamine. The obvious choice here is benadryl. I knew these hives needed to calm down.

Since taking the benadryl, the hives don’t look like they are spreading anymore and they are no longer itchy or getting bigger. I guess that is a good sign. I guess I will have to see if there is another breakout with them when I eat more Salsa today. I always hate getting hives when I don’t know what the culprit is.

The hard part of taking a benadryl on a Monday morning is that I am now also extremely sleepy. Being that it is Monday & this Mombie has too much to do to feel drowsy on top of it, I’m sipping down my coffee and hoping that my drowsiness takes a backseat so I can slay this Monday! I don’t know about you but this Mombie can’t be slowed down today. It’s the last week of summer vacation before the girls start school and suddenly the calendar is full again and the to-do list is long.

It is surely feeling like a Mombie Monday to me, hives & drowsiness to put the icing on this Monday cake. Wishing all you other Mombies out there a wonderful day ahead and enjoy these last days of summer with your littles.

Simple Saturday

Does anyone else struggle with time on the weekends? It just seems to fly right on by in a blink. My guilt is that I don’t want to set an alarm when I don’t have to. Yet, I know rest is very important too. For me, sleeping in is until 7:30 a.m. Once I eat breakfast, get my workout in, and get showered and dressed for the day it’s always about 10:30a.m before I actually start anything else. To me, the day feels half over at that time. I always regret NOT setting my alarm for my normal 5:30-6 a.m wake up call.

Anyone else feel the regret of not getting up at normal time on the weekends, or is it just me?

Free Friday

Are you living your life doing your best?

Before you answer that, remember that part of living life doing your best is living in the moment, and leaving behind your past. Your past is what has shaped you for the moment you are in right here and right now. Staying stuck in your past does not allow you to enjoy the moment you are in now. I read somewhere that the best way to say, “I love you, God,” is by doing these two things: 1. Live each day doing your best and 2. Letting go of your past and living presently.

Take a deep breath in and out.

Did you feel that?

You are a living and breathing human being. Right in this current moment you are alive.

You have the right to be happy. Let me say that again. You have the right to be happy. However, you and you alone are the only one that can define your own happiness. We all know happiness does not come from material things and if you bought all the things that you thought should make you happy and you feel that kind of happiness is only temporary, that is not the kind of happiness you need. Let go of those material things and find the happiness that God intended you to find.

For me, I envision happiness looking more like internal contentment and peace within. I’m not quite sure I’m there yet, but know I am a work in progress. Learning to love, to be loved, and to love yourself, to enjoy all the little moments are what make us feel most alive.

We get this one beautiful life, it could be so easy to just let it pass us by. So remember to stop and ask yourself if you are living your life doing your best or if you are living your life stuck in your past. Once you decide where you are take a deep breath and feel the life inside you and remember your worth.

“Don’t resist life passing through you. Because that is God passing through you.”