Thankful Thursday

In a week that has made me question…

In a week that has brought upon stress…

In a week that has made me frustrated…

In a week that has made me uncomfortable…

In a week that has made me concerned for other humans common sense, respect, maturity levels, and regard for others…

In a week that has been judgemental…

In a week that has brought about disapointment…

I am truly thankful for the little things in my daily life that bring me joy.

So, I will focus on and be grateful for these little things.

I will hold on to those special moments, kind people, random acts of kindness witnessed or received or given, etc., that bring a smile to my face and make my heart happy.

…and in the meantime, I will also pray for thing things and people I can not control or can not change.

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Free Friday


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…but just for a little while, I promise!

Life got busy this week.  My free time has been minimal.  Blogging has been put on the back burner for now.  That’s just what happens sometimes.

Just for an added FYI, with summer approaching (my daughter’s last day of kindergarten is on June 6th) there will likely be many upcomig days I go extinct too!

It is my wish that everyone has an wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Hopefully, we can meet back here to connect and converse next week sometime.  I look forward to it!


Nichole 🙂



Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful that the puking has subsided.

So far 2 out of 4 of us have been struck with the unluck of the stomach bug, me being one of the four.

Moms just can’t afford to get sick.  Running on 0 amounts of energy at the moment and really confused at how I’m still standing.

Image result for memes when moms get sick

Aimless 20 Talk Tuesday

  1.  Bad luck struck our house yet again.  We were up with a sick little girl most of the night/morning.  She has the puke bug.  It literally came out of nowhere.  Praying it passes quickly and she’s back to her normal self in no time.  Crossing my fingers the rest of us are not doomed to get it.
  2. I’ve got to start thinking about and planning my 5 almost 6 year old’s birthday party.  It’s creeping up fast and I just don’t feel like I have my ducks in a row this year.  Apparently she wants it Unicorn themed.  My goal is to keep it simple!
  3. There will not be enough coffee to get me through this day.
  4. Grocery pick up it is today.  I am eternally grateful for this service.
  5. It’s so refreshing seeing green grass and the leaves start to come out on the trees in WI.
  6. We’ve been out of fruit since we returned home from IA.  My body is needing a detox from all the junk I have been eating.  Thank good ness I premade those smoothie bags with fruit and spinach…that will have to do until I can pick up my groceries.
  7. Not only do I need to do a detox, I need to get back on the work out train.  I’ve derailed once again.
  8. My washing machine has been going since 11:20 pm (it’s now 12:37pm) and my nostrils burn with the scent of puke and lysol.
  9. I’m dreaming of a walk outside and being able to play a game of tennis right about now.
  10. I love the sound of a lawn mower, it’s so much better then hearing a snow blower!
  11. E has her first soccer practice of the season tonight.  I’m excited for her games this year!
  12. My hubby is hoping to get the concrete put in this summer and I really hope this project is a go!  My list of wishes for our house is long!
  13. …or we could just move, which is what my heart desires right now for more then one reason.
  14. How is it the middle of May already?
  15. My youngest neice just turned 2 this week.  Time flies way to darn fast.
  16. I wonder when E is going to start getting a wiggly tooth?  I can tell she’s anxious as a lot of her classmates have been losing teeth.  Crazy to think we are almost already to this stage with her.
  17. Things that we must diligently work on with E:  Bike riding w/out training wheels and learning to tie her own shoes.  She’s almost 6.  I’m kinda embarrassed we’ve been slacking on these skills.
  18. I need to make banana bread.  I have three brown bananas that could turn into a beautiful and delcious loaf of bread!  If only I had the time…
  19. I’m so tired today it’s not even funny.  I don’t even know how I’m still standing (fun fact: I typically stand to type out my blog posts!).
  20. Well…back to sanitizing my house.  Bleh!

Motivational Monday’s For Mombies

If want to have a positive impact on your child(ren) each day, tell them that you love them. Always do something in their day to show them that you love them (not with presents, but with your actions).  It goes back to the old saying, actions speak louder then words.  Surely, it does feel so good to say I love you and have those words reciprocated back.  Each time I hear my girls say it, I get shiver bumpers (in a good way)!

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When you hug them before you part each day, make sure that you keep hugging them until they are the first to let go.

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Kiss their forehead, both cheeks, little nose, and lips even if they say “Mommmmm, stopppp it.”

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Hold hands with your child(ren) as you are walking to your destination (a bus stop, into day care, up the driveway, etc)!

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Make sure you tell them one positive praise about them each and every single day and that you are going to miss the dickens out of them when you are away from them.  Also tell them that you will be thinking of them in your day.

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Also, remind your kids to do something kind in their day for someone else or for the world we live in.  Have a conversation about it at the end of the day and share kind things you did for another throughout your day!

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These are the rules I live by each and every single day when I say my “see yah later” to my 5 year old before she gets on the bus.  No matter what kind of morning we’ve had, I make sure she is loved, knows that kindness matters each and every single day, that she is wonderful, that she will be missed no matter what and that we laughed or shared smiles together before she gets on the bus.

Make your departures count with your children each and every single day.  It’s so often these little things we take for granted!

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We could all use these simple reminders today!  Have a fabulous Monday Mombies!

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for my daughters giggles.

I feel like I’ve been a tad depressed lately and I haven’t been able to snap out of it even for a second.  However, there was one evening in particular that my daughters giggles stopped me in my tracks.  I was in another room and could hear the two of them  just giggling with each other.  You guys, I didn’t even know what they were laughing about and they were giggling so hard that I don’t think they even knew what they were laughing about.  Surely enough though, it was their sweet sound of giggles that made me stop what I was doing and helped me snap out of whatever mood I was in instantaneously.  Their giggles are the best and it was to a moment to be enjoyed together.

For the first time all week it was their giggling that had made me laugh too!  Their laughter was like music to my ears and brought an instant smile to my face.  I could literally feel my heart do a flip flop in a good way.  In that moment it was so easy to forgot about the funk I was in.   I simply just wanted to enjoy that precious moment and take it all in.  So I did.  I joined them on the couch and the three of us were laughing at absolutely nothing.  Little do they know how much their giggles meant to me.  It’s those moments with them I want to wrap up in a box and save forever and be able to take out at a later date to re-live them.

Has a giggling child ever caught your attention?  Children’s giggling seriously is contagious and oh so sweet.  Personally, I think that children’s giggling is one of the best sounds we can experience in life.  It’s a reflection of pure joy.  If you are lucky enough to hear it take the time to stop and listen first to soak up that sweet music and then join in. It will make you feel so good and it may just very well be the sunshine your soul needed without even having to step outside!

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Wondering on Wednesday

20 Questions for a Stay-At-Home-Mom, in case you are wondering about any of these answers (from my experience).


Have you had to cut back on spending? Where did you cut?

Yes, we have had to cut back on spending a lot, or this would never work for us.  We are a family of four with a cat and a dog.  Living off one income and making it work as a middle class family.  It isn’t easy.  I can’t think of too many families who wouldn’t have to cut back on spending when making the decision to live off one income.

A couple ways that we cut back are by getting rid of Dish TV.  We now only use an atenna that gets us the basic TV channels and we have Hulu & Netflix to watch other shows/movies.  We also used to rent movies and go to the movie theatre to watch movies.  We rarely, if ever do this now.  We mainly check out all our movies from the library for free or watch what is offered through Hulu or Netflix.  We buy our girls mostly second hand clothing, toys, etc and I do a lot of thrifting for my husband and myself for items as well before buying new.  When I do need to buy new, I never will unless I have a coupon or wait for a sale.  We always pay off our credit cards each month, which means little to no frivoulous spending.  We also make sure to pay our bills in the full amount due each month.  Sometimes we have leftover money after our bills are all paid, sometimes we don’t.  I used to not have a limit on gift giving, but now it’s also a must do living off one income.  I find myself saying “no” a lot more to things that cost money and try do find “free or cheap fun” for us.  I also meal plan, usually two weeks out and this also helps cut costs for our food bill as well as rarely eating out.

There are so many ways that I’ve cut cost over the last 6 years of being a SAHM.  I know I only touched on a few, however, this at least will give you an idea if you are wondering.

Do you fight about money more than you did before?

Yes, but honestly this has just been the case the last few years.  I think our fighting about money stems more from our big expense of IVF which depleated our savings account and really made our financial situation more difficult then it already was.  Just the pure fact that we were already cutting corners and then having to figure out to still keep our heads above water has been trying.  Unless you have a decent savings as a SAHM, it makes any unexpected expence come your way a nightmare.  Even if you do have a decent savings and you have to take a chunk out you feel the stress as that sometimes is your only cushion, so to speak.

Are you resentful of your working spouse?

Honestly, at times I am.  I know that we both deal with our own stresses during the week and there are times I feel like he has it easy in comparison to me.  Some days the SAHM life really takes its toll on me and I feel like he is clueless to everything I am going through. There are times I miss working outside the home.  Some mornings can be so chaotic that I am jealous of the pure fact of his commute to work, by himself where he can listen to whatever he wants on the radio or drive in pure silence with his own thoughts in his head.  Other days, I miss making my own income, having my own insurance, and a retirement plan.  Sometimes it’s a hard pill to swallow when I really think about how I barely am able to contribute to our families finances by staying home.  Parts of me also is resentful that I worked just as hard as he did in college and he is using his degree and I am not.  There are many ways that resentment can creep in if you let it, but most days I just try to focus on being grateful that we are making it work so that I get this time with my babies.

Does your working spouse feel all of the financial burden, and is resentful of you?

This is something I should ask my husband and never have, so I honestly don’t know the answer to this question.  However, I can tell that if I get off our spending budget or spend too much on an item he will question me on it or ask if I really “needed that”.  It’s hard to not get offended and feel like he’s judging me because he brings home the bacon and I don’t.  There are days he will also comment on how he wishes he could be a stay at home dad which leads me to believe that the grass isn’t always greener on the otherside.

Do you feel satisfied?

Not 100%, no.  As much as I love my girls and staying home with them a part of me each day feels unfullfilled.  I am so grateful to be able to stay home with my girls, yet I miss the part of me that felt like I had an identity other then mom, wife & stay at home mom.  I am Nichole, but I don’t even know who she is anymore.  Somewhere a long the way I’ve lost myself because my soul focus each and every single day is making sure all the wants and needs of my family is taken care of that I don’t even have time to think about what I want and need anymore.

Are your kids tired of you?

When you are a stay at home mom, your kids are bound to get tired of you at some point.  I’ve always said that breaks away for both mom and kids are healthy and needed.  They always embrace and get excited over your arrival and know what it’s like to truly miss you when you step away.

Are you staying at home because of someone else’s pressure? Spouse, parent, in-law?

No, not at all.  This was 100% a decision made between my husband and I.  I am confident that our family supports our decision no matter what we would have chose to do.

Are you worried about going back to work some day after being out for so long?

Yes, and I think about this often.  I’m almost at 6 years of being a SAHM.  What do you even put on a resume after this long and who the heck is going to want to hire someone whose experience has expired?  Eventually, I will be going back to work.  The thought worries me and stresses me out because I feel like it would be hard to get back into a desired position and I will have to settle for a job I don’t really want simply for the fact that I will need a job.

Do you have an equal say in financial decisions?

For the most part.  However, at times I feel like my husband has more weight on them then I do.  Maybe it’s just how I perceive things though.

Do you feel you made the right choice?

Yes & no.  Now that I’ve been a SAHM for a while now it’s going to make it really hard to get back into the working world after being out of it for so long.  Sometimes I feel like we would be better off if I would have just been working this entire time.  However, when I think of all that I’ve got to be a part of in the lives of my children and simply just being there for them in general, makes me feel like I’m doing what is right.

Do you SAH to save money (like cost of child care), or for satisfaction of staying at home with your child(ren)?

Both.  I literally would have been working to put my children in childcare.  My take home pay would not have been worth it which was a huge factor is our decision for me to stay home.  It’s also nice having one of us available at all times, especially now that my oldest is in school and extra activities.  It’s also nice for appointments, and unexpected sick days.  I also liked the idea of not having to put my children in childcare since I worked in one for many years and wasn’t always impressed with other peoples care of the children.  Personally, I like to be the one caring for my children and being with them.

Have you sacrificed anything by being a SAHM that you regret?

I’ve sacrificed everything by being a SAHM.  The only thing I regret is losing myself along the way.  I am fully invested in this gig and truly love being a SAHM.  I have my good days and hard days in it.  The hardest part for me is the expectations I had for myself and feeling like I am not meeting them.  This may feel like regret at times.

What is slipping through the cracks by being a SAHM?

On a humorous note the one answer to this question is my sanity!

How do you deal with the SAHM guilt?

The struggle is real.  My biggest guilt is that I am with my children so much that when I leave (as much as it’s needed) it’s always hard and I always feel guilty about it.  I also feel guilty when I buy things for myself because I don’t bring in any income.  However, I try to think of all the ways I am helping save money, which in turn is helping our financial situation.  There are so many ways the SAHM guilt can creep into my days.  Some days venting to a friend or even my husband helps.

Do you do anything to bring any sort of income into the home?

Yes, I watch other kids on a part time basis and also sell items we no longer need on buy, sell, trade pages.  I also do diaper studies when they are available to me.

If you could go back to work today, would you?

Not if it was full time.  I could maybe handle going back to work part-time if an opportunity arose.  However, right now I am honestly content staying at home with my girls.  I think of everything I do on a daily basis and our life style and I couldn’t imagine me working outside the home on top of it.  Not to mention, K is still nursing and she still is not sleeping through the night.  I am so freaking tired.  I need more sleep before more work is added to my plate.

How do you do you manage stress or make time for you?

Self care is difficult.  Me time is important but making the time is hard.  Working out has always helped me manage my stress.  I schedule a massage every 3 months for myself.  I put things on my schedule to look forward to.  I have coffee dates with my sister and I’m sure this summer we will be playing tennis.  This year I am also playing on a co-ed soccer team.

Is your partner an equal parent?

As a SAHM I feel I take the parenting weight more most days only because I am with them more.  However, we try our best to communicate, stay on the same page, and make decisions together.  We try to stay as equal as we can, but again it’s hard to feel equal when he’s a working parent and I’m a SAH parent especially with the care taking roles.

What is the most rewarding part of being a SAHM?

There are so many rewarding parts of being a SAHM that it’s hard to choose just one.  However, I think the most rewarding is that I get to be there for everything and not someone else.  I know so many working parents where it seems their children spend more quality time with their kids then they even do.  This breaks my heart.  I never wanted it to be like this for our children.  I can see when something excites them.  I get to witness them learning something new and applying what they learn.  I have got to experience first milestones.  I get to laugh with them and kiss their boo-boo’s and wipe away their tears.

What is the most challenging part of being a SAHM?

Self care.  Hands down.  I can’t care for my kids if I am pouring from an empty cup and find the time to make time for myself is hard.

Aimless 20 Talk Tuesday

…on etiquette of having a rummage sale

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  1.  If your garage smells like a giant cigarrette, sorry not sorry…I’m not even going to look at your stuff.  I will just high tail it out of there like a bat out of hell.
  2. If you are smoking while trying to sell your items it’s a no brainer, I won’t even make it half way up your driveway before I do a u turn and walk away.  I’ve got asthma and I’m saving my lungs!
  3. If you are selling clothing in sets, please don’t use pins to keep the clothes together as it puts a hole in the clothing and that hole may look small but eventually gets bigger.
  4. Mark clothing reasonably priced or offer for filling a bag for $5.  Your things will sell a lot faster. This past weekend while at rummage sales I saw an adidas track suit for $15 (I’d pay maybe $8) and I saw name brand T.Shirts for $5 (I’d pay max $2).  This aint no Baby Gap ok?  Thanks.
  5. If you have your cute child at the end of your driveway selling lemonade you bet your bottom dollar I will stop at your sale and buy a glass of lemonade and I will give said cute child $1 for my .25 cent glass of watered down country time!
  6. No I will not pay more then $1 for clothing that has wash wear and is pillared.  You’re cray, cray.  Mark up that stuff for .25 or .50.
  7. I know your stuff is used, but take the time to make me want to buy your junk.  Wipe the dirt and grime off it so I’m not buying a layer of dust and grime too.  Gross!
  8. If you hear me whisper “Chimichanga” to my sister at your sale it was a bust and you should clearly just pack up your junk now because no one wants it and there is a reason you don’t have a crowd of people flocking to your sale.  Always have a safe word with the people you rummage with and always trust your pack if one is saying it…then run for your lives.  This is a must.
  9. Please MEN if you are selling your golf clubs and two women are trying to get more information on them and golf in general (only becauase we look out for our husbands who may want some cheap clubs to try their hand at golfing with) please don’t pick up the golf club and explain that the long part of the club is a shaft and start rubbing it with your hand up and down in a perverted mannar.  Yes, true story…this happened to my sister and I this year.
  10. Have your items clearly marked.  I don’t enjoy surprises.
  11. Do not.  I repeat.  DO NOT sell shoes with dog shit on the bottom of them…common sense people.
  12. Organization attracts.  If everything is folded neatly and organized into categories.  All clothing marked by gender size and separated, and all like items are together and organized is appreciated.  I can’t tell you how many sales I strait up almost had an anxiety attack at because their garage was pure chaos.  I don’t enjoy digging just to find a deal.  It’s not fun and not a selling point for me.
  13. If you have your garage door open and there is a sign saying “Rummage Sale Here” with today’s dates I will likely stop.  However, when I walk in and you say to me…”Umm, sorry we are not open until tomorrow but you can look around if you’d like” clearly I will be really confused and not feel welcome to look around.  Take the damn sign down and clearly mark the right dates.  Like huh?!?
  14. All clothing with stains, holes, rips etc should be clearly marked as such and should be placed for FREE.
  15. Nothing grinds my gears more when I make a reasonable offer on an item that is clearly overpriced and they won’t even take $5 less for it.  You are annoying.  Do you want to sell your junk or not?  Apparently not!
  16. Maybe take a math class or use a calculator if you are not confident in your math skills when adding up the items I am buying from you.  Also, I want correct change back….even if it’s just a quarter.  In the rummage sale world do you realize what a quarter could get you?  A book.  A kitchen utensil.  Clothing for my child, a glass of lemonade from your child.  That quarter is important to me.  Don’t assume I don’t want it, haha!
  17. If you’ve got a kick ass sale and people are going crazy and the flow of traffic is nuts.  Have a system set is place.  More then one person checking out is very helpful.
  18. I love animals but I don’t enjoy being attacked by your dogs tounge the second I get out of my car.  Control those loveable beasts!
  19. If you are a man sitting in a chair doing nothing at your rummage sale and you see two women struggling to carry or put a big item in their vehicle, just be a gentleman and offer to help.  I’m a strong independent women but common courtesy goes a long ways!  Spread that kindness like confetti!  I will surely eat it up!
  20. If you advertise that you are having a sale, clearly list what you are selling.  I don’t want to waste my sale going to a dud.


H A P P Y     T H R I F T I N G ! ! !


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Free Friday

I’ve been feeling impatient lately and dwelling on things that are out of my control.  I’ve been trying to not let these things overcome me, but I’d be lying if I’d say they are not crossing my mind daily.  If I am true to myself I am slowly starting to feel some old feeling creep back into my mind and heart in regards to family building.  With my birthday creeping up in two days…it brings about some anxiety that the years are short and times just ticking away.  The ‘what if’s’ and the ‘maybe’s’ in my brain are continuous…I ran across this prayer today and it is the exact prayer that I need to say for myself.  If you could do me one favor it would be that you say this extra prayer for me today and in the days to come too.  Thank you in advance.

Image result for a prayer when you are feeling impatient