Aimless 20 Talk Tuesday

… on 10 things I had no idea were a privledge to me as a kid, that I realize were total privledges now as an adult and 10 things I am now privleged to do/have as an adult that I had no idea were privledges to adults as a kid (all self explanatory, haha).

  1.  A trip to McDonalds.  As an adult, I am not a huge fan of McDonalds and try to avoid this place at all causes.  I also try to keep eating there to a minimal when it comes to my kids.  However, there are McDonalds at what seems every corner I turn where I live and if I chose to, I could go to them whenever I wanted on a daily basis.  Basically, it’s used as a “treat” in this house as well (even though in my opinion, it is far from a treat).  When I was growing up, there wasn’t a McDonalds in my home town so when we stopped at one it was mainly when we were going to Rice Lake, WI on our shopping trips with Mom.  I vaguely remember stopping at McDonalds on vacation trips as a family as well.  However, it just wasn’t a huge part of my life growing up because it wasn’t an option.  As a kid I remember how exciting it was pulling into the golden arches.  How I would crave a Big Mac or their french fries.  As an adult, I grumble at the sight of them and can not even stomach a big Mac–but I smile thinking about what a big deal it really was to me growing up!
  2. A pair of Nike athletic shoes.  As an adult I own endless pairs of Nike’s.  I even have a couple pair of Nike flip flops.  When buying a pair of athletic shoes, I rarely think twice about visiting a Pay-Less, a K-Mart (do these even exist anymore) or a Wal-Mart.  In fact, I don’t think I’d ever resort to any of these places to buy a good quality athletic shoe.  Growing up, this wasn’t an option for me and I can’t tell you the excitement and joy walking into a Pay-Less was for me growing up!  I’m assuming because the price was right at those other three stores when it came to buying shoes is the main reason I never owned a pair of Nike’s growing up. Times were tough growing up so I can imagine getting a pair of Nike’s for me were the least of my parent’s concerns and not a priority.  In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen my parents wear a pair of Nike’s in my entire life, still to this day.  You can imagine my excitement the first time I bought a pair of Nike’s for myself with my own money.  I remember distinctly the day.  I bought a pair of Nike High Tops for Basketball and I seriously thought I was the shit!  I think of this almost everytime I purchase a pair growing up and how hard I had worked for that 1 pair of shoes.  I am thankful that my parents never bought me a pair growing up because the satifaction and excitement of buying my first pair on my own was something I will never forget.
  3. If you wanted to talk to someone you either had to visit them, write them, or call them up to talk to them.  Lets face it, times were much more simple without the use of cell phones and other technololgy that has been invented since I was a kid.  Never would I have thought that I could be 4 hours away from my parents when I grew up and I’d be able to call them up on my tablet and FaceTime them.  Never did I think I would have a cell phone that I can be in contact with anyone at the quick click of a button.  I can’t tell you the last time I actually wrote a hand written letter.  When I stop and think about it, I kind of miss how the more simple of times made us have more intimate means of conversation.  Sure, it wasn’t easy…but we didn’t miss what we didn’t have or even knew existed at the time.
  4. Home cooked meals every single night.  I rarely remember a meal that my mom didn’t make herself.  I never went hungry and my mom’s food was always delicious.  As much as I strive to be like her in that way, there are times where convience foods make it much easier to complete a dinner.  I truly had no idea how lucky I was growing up to have a hot, home-cooked meal each and every single night for me.  Now, I do 95% of the cooking and although I learned my kitchen skills from the best, nothing beats mom’s cooking!
  5. Living in a small town.  I live in smaller community within a bigger city only a hop, skip and a jump away.  Although I’ve lived here for a while now, I still can go out in the community on any given day and not recognize a single face.  Growing up in Amery, everyone knew everyone and very seldom did you see a face that you didn’t recognize or know.  It’s crazy how even now, when I go back home to visit my parents and I am out and about-it never fails, I see a familiar face or still see someone I know and there is always that brief conversation with these people in the grocery store, gas station or while just walking down the street.  It is so comforting and in my opinion, this is what makes home feel like home.  As much as I like (I’m still not to the love status) where I live, I don’t always find that same comfort here and I miss it dearly.
  6. Driving a beater car during high school and my first few years of college.  I did not appreciate my first car.  It was white and polka-dotted full of rust spots.  I didn’t know if it would get me from point A to point B most days.  It was first my grandparents car, then my parents car, then my older sister’s car (eventually got handed down to my younger sister before it completely died).  It was ugly and it was embarrassing, especially when friends of mine had much better cars then mine.  I would be the last one to offer friends rides and I would park far away at events in hopes no one would see that that beast belonged to me.  Again, I purchased my first car in college and to go from my 1989 Pontiac 6000 to my 2006 Chevy Malibu was one of the best feelings in the world.  I wouldn’t have traded it from anything.  Since my malibu I have been driving a 2011 Chevy Traverse (possibly in the market for something different in the next year or two) and the appreciation I feel every time I drive it is amazing because I know what it’s like to not have all the bells and whistles.  I was, however, very lucky that my parents gave me anything at all at the time.
  7. Having my mom be a stay at home mom.  As we all, I think are guilty of growing up, we do not appreciate our parents as much as when we are adults.  I think even more so we appreciate them when we become parents ourselves.  Now that I am a stay at home mom, I see things so differently and think back to when my mom stayed home with me.  How lucky was I?  I can’t even begin to put into words how much this women sacrificed for me and how hard it must have been to be a stay at home parent.  It isn’t easy, and I know this now.
  8. Family get togethers at my Grandma & Grandpa Lee’s house.  At the time, this seemed boring and routine as a kid.  Now that I’m an adult and my grandma and grandpa has long passed along with other family members and the fact that we rarely have the Lee side get together, I find myself missing these times and cherished memories and wishing we could make more.
  9. New clothing.  Because I had an older sister, I mostly always got hand me downs and I never had a full closet of clothing.  I mostly had enough clothing to last me the week then we did laundry and repeated this cycle until my clothes were outgrown and I needed new.  Then there was the point where my older sister stopped growing and I got to get my own clothes brand new.  As an adult I buy new clothing practically whenever I choose to or can afford too.  Growing up, I didn’t really think about the clothing on my back or how new clothes came about but new clothes are expensive so it really was a treat to get something new then and honestly, I take this for granted as an adult because although it’s a treat now it seems that I am able to purchase new much more frequently not only for myself but also for my girls.
  10. A clean house.  My mother loved (and still does) a clean house.  I think it not only stressed her out, but it also was frustrating when the house was dirty or a mess.  This is for good reason.  I also love a clean house, but I feel like it doesn’t stay clean for long and I do not enjoy cleaning.  I often let other things take priority over this.  I honestly miss a clean house that I didn’t have to worry about so much as I do now.
  11. Playing a simple board game.  When we were young and we were “bored” one of the first things we did was play board games with each other and had lots of genuine fun doing so.  Now, if I play a board game with my daughter, she doesn’t seem to find the same joy as I did growing up playing them and I often hear her say right in the middle of playing, “I’m bored, lets be done.” Games are so much more enjoyable with the right groups of kids/people and I often wonder if these kinds of kids or groups of people exist among today’s society anymore.


  1.  Reading a book, watching TV…basically doing anything enjoyable without interruption.
  2. Eating dinner without a child on my lap or poking at my food with her dirty fingers, or drinking my milk without my child’s backwash.
  3. Going to bed when I want to go to bed, not having to be woken up in the middle of the night, and sleeping in to my hearts desire.
  4. Eating out at a nice resturaunt.
  5. Not having to watch PBS kids whenever the TV goes on.
  6. Going about my day without a child having a meltdown or whining about everything on God’s green Earth.
  7. Having a pallet of eyeshawdow that is in tact without it being crumbly due to kids dropping it or pressing their little fingers in it.
  8. Date nights with my husband or little overnight/weekend getaways without the kids without feeling guilty.
  9. Shirts that are not stretched due to the kids constantly pulling on them to get your attention.
  10. The time in my life where the only puke I had to clean up was my own from a night of binge drinking in college…haha, oh those were the days!

Now, humor me and tell me one thing that was a privlege to you as a kid that you only realized was a privlege when you were a adult and tell me one privlege you have as an adult that you didn’t realize was a privledge when you were a kid…

Thankful Thursday

Truly, you have no idea how grateful I am that 40 years ago marked the birthday of IVF.  Without this discovery, my youngest daughter would not be with us.  Thank you God for IVF.  Now, if we could just make some changes in regard to cost and lessoning the burden it takes on couples who do not have insurance coverage for IVF.  Many, like myself have 0% coverage for infertility treatments.  I can’t not begin to tell you how frustrating this is to me and how badly I want to see change.  This is why I openly talk about our struggle and have no problem showing my face behind this disease.  Some may argue that infertility is not a disease, but the American Medical Associaion declared it a disease in 2017 which in my opinion, is a step in the right direction to help change the stigma around infertility.

I don’t always enjoy watching CNN or visit CNN.COM but they had an article yesterday that caught my attention and that I truly appreciated.  If you feel compelled, please check it out for yourself by clicking the following link:

Yesterday, I voiced my opionion about this on my Facebook feed and here is what I wrote:

Family building shouldn’t have to be stressful, but when you are faced with choosing to do IVF, or not, a big hardship of even beginning is figuring out how to pay for it. The out of pocket expense that you have to pay up front is a pretty penny and because of the lack of coverage, this can put couples in a really big predicament. For us, like many, our insurance covered 0% of IVF, including appointments or medications. In fact, as soon as there was an infertility diagnosis attached to me any appointment pertaining to just that was covered at 0%, expecting payment in full day of, or they would deny your visit or treatment plan. We drained our entire savings account, emptied our HSA account, borrowed money from family, put IVF expenses on credit cards, lived pay check to paycheck just to live. we even took out a home loan to help make our dream a reality. We really struggled then and still feel the effect of it now. I know about having to make this decision first hand and I don’t wish it upon anyone, although I have zero regrets. The diagnosis of Infertility alone is stressful and heartbreaking enough and couples facing this shouldn’t have to worry about the financial strain on top of it or having to make their decision to not go through IVF simply because they can’t pay for it because insurance doesnt take some of the financial burden off their shoulders. It’s wrong. Why isnt IVF covered? Seems more and more people are struggling with infertility and needing to do IVF to conceive and 40 years have gone by with little changes? What is wrong with this picture? It is time changes are made and IVF is covered by insurance. I look at my beautiful miracle and thank God we risked everything for her to be here…I could never put a price tag on my child, but I constantly pray for changes with coverage to make this struggle a tad easier. Not only do I pray for changes for future family building for myself but for others going through this very thing.

I’m not sure if it is a coincidence or not, but it seems like when I post anything about infertility I get very few “likes” or comments from “friends” on my page.  However, I can post about other non-related topics and have many more likes or comments.  I am always curious as to why others do not respond much to the infertility posts.  Is it because they didn’t see it in their news feed?  Is it because they can’t relate?  Is it because they don’t have an opinion on the topic, don’t want to share their opinion, or are afraid to share their opinion?  Is it too personal of a topic to respond to?  I just am genuinly curious as to why this is.  To each his own.  I mean, I certainly don’t like or reply to everything my friends post but it just seems to be a common trend I am noticing when I post about infertility related topics vs. just random everyday topics, picturs, memes, etc!

I’m curious about opinions on this topic though.  What do you think?  How has the birthday of IVF affected you?  Do you think IVF should be covered by insurance in every state?  I’d love to hear your voice and feedback in my comments section to start a conversation!

Wondering On Wednesdays…

Image result for fork in the road quotes

I haven’t gotten personal for a while about my fertility (or lack thereof).  Some of you may have been wondering why I haven’t been talking about it much lately?  You may follow my blog especially since SI was the main reason I started this blog journey.  Even though I am in a standstill with baby making, I still like to talk about topics involving it every now and again.

Honestly, there hasn’t been too much to update you on or report on in that area of my life.  However, today I will touch on where I (we) are at with all of this to keep my readers in the loop.  Maybe some of you women out there can even relate to where I am today.  Although, this can be a very personal topic for many, I have always tried to stay open for that reason.  We all need someone in our lives to relate to.  If you can say “me to” after you read my post today, all I ask is that maybe you could reach out to me because I could certainly use your support as well.  I’d appreciate it more then you’d ever know!

As stated before, my husband and I would love to have one more baby to complete our family.  If you ask my oldest, she will tell you she would love to have a baby brother, but would be happy with another sister too.  I am not in denial that the route we will likely have to go to make a baby is with IVF again.

That being said though, there is that optimistic part of my being that woud like to try on our own for 6 months, or so.  Part of me feels like it would be silly not to test out that 10% statistic we were given before plunging into that world that consumes my entire being again.  However, there is one factor from preventing us from giving it our all, on our own currently.

Right now, I am patiently waiting for my youngest to wean.  I feel that this factor is another glitch in the baby making process.  However, I’m really struggling with weaning her.  She will be 2 in November and I’ve been strait up breastfeeding her since she was born.

Breastfeeding has been a pure joy and a blessing.  This has always been such a special time between her and I.  Being unsure if we are able to have another one…ever, makes all these ‘last’ moments with her that much harder on me to let go of.  I cherish them with my everything.

Sure, I have the will power to not give in to her wanting her B’s BUT she’s my baby and I feel selfish taking them away from her if she’s not quite ready yet and I would only being doing it for the purpose to eliminate a glitch in baby making.  I also have heard (never confirmed with my SI doctor) that they will not allow you to start treatment (IVF, medications, etc) until you have been done breastfeeding for at least 3 months.  Any of you out there know if this is true?  What has your experince been with this?  To say I am struggling with what to do is an understatement.

Next, let’s talk about my menstrual cycle.

Another thing I mentioned a while back is that my period returned in the beginning of December 2017.  I have had it monthly and pretty routinely since then.  My cycles have been ranging anywhere from 24 days to 27 days and anywhere inbetween those numbers.  Although, my period hasn’t been a consistent cycle each month, it’s been pretty predictable given my bodily symptoms.  Most months it’s pretty easy to predict it’s estimated arrival as well.

It did appear early this month by 5 days I am.  I wasn’t quite sure why it came so early so of course I jumped on google (which always leads to more stress).  Besides tracking my periods on my phone app I do not track anything else and haven’t obsessed over estimated ovulation dates or anything.  I haven’t used ovulation tests and I likely don’t plan on doing any of that until K is fully weaned and we are seriously trying on our own.

With my period being early this month, and looking up symptoms as to why this could be occuring, I saw an array of possibly reasons why.  For the first time, I felt worried and like I have been obsessively thinking about what this could mean for my fertility.  Upon reading, I saw factors such as stress, lifestyle changes, a hormonal imbalance could be culprits.

Although I am still breastfeeding and knowing that can impact my cycle due to hormones, I am not expecting to have a “perfect” cycle, yet I find myself slowly starting to shift back to the mind frame of what can I be doing to enhance the chances of this happening on our own now even though I am well aware from my past that I can do everything possible to enhance changes and it still may not happen on it’s own.  This way of obsessive thinking is also a struggle for me.

Since K has been born, we have not prevented a pregnancy.  Obviously, there has been no such luck of anything happening on it’s own thus far.  Knowing that I’m still breastfeeding and that we already have many odds against us feels so defeating already.  There are days I try to shut my “want” off and tell myself that I need to get used to the idea of being a family of four.  There are days I even google “why havning a family of four is the perfect number” just so I can convince myself that it’s not a good idea to have another baby.  Yet, my heart doesn’t care about any of these reasons.

I’m grateful for my family.  I count my blessings every day but how do you just shut off something that you feel God has placed on your heart?  I don’t know about you but it’s a very hard feeling to ignore.  I want another baby.  I wish it were as simple as that.

Right now I feel like I’m inching closer to that fork in the road but I’ve stopped right on the edge of where the forks meet and am standing there not only trying to decide which direction to go, but also feeling frozen in place with my feet stuck in the mud.  My feet are feeling heavy and lost.

I can’t go backwards and going forward just causes so much uncertainty and risk and challenging emotions and unasnwered questions.  Either path that I take could end in the disapointment of my hearts desires.  However, if I’m one of the lucky ones, a path I choose could potentially make all my dreams come true as it did once before.

However, until I can get out of the mud and clean up the weight on my feet I have no choice but to stay stuck in the position I am currently in and it is not a wonderful feeling.  I look up to the tree tops and beyond and place all my faith and hope in God.  He has a plan for me and my family and I just have to continue trusting him…as I did also, before.




Aimless 20 Talk Tuesday

…on why shopping Target online for school supplies is the way to go.

  1.  I ordered E’s school supplies yesterday at 9am and they were already at my front door by 12:20pm today.
  2. It is easy and stress free.
  3. I shopped in the comfort of my own home in my PJ’s.
  4. I was able to use my redcard and get 5% off along with cartwheel discounts and coupons.
  5. I got everything on her list for less then $40 this year (excluding gym shoes and school clothing).
  6. I stuck to her school list, unlike if I were actually inside the Heaven that is Target and getting suckered into all the things I don’t really need.
  7. No one was giving me dirty looks when my toddler was having a morning meltdown.
  8. I didn’t have to stop in the midst of my shopping journey and take my 6 year old to the bathroom.
  9. Big boxes that arrive at our front door are exciting for the kids, even if it’s just school supplies.
  10. Not to mention, the packaging makes popping noises with kept them busy for an additional 10 minutes after the box arrived.
  11. Also, what child doesn’t love the empty box items arrive in.  This will give them hours of endless-technology-free entertainment.
  12. It saved me a trip to the mall, which I hate pretty much all the time.  (For those of you who are not familiar with Appleton, the Target closest to me here is attached to the Fox River Mall–it’s pure hell).
  13. As much as waiting to shop for the tax-free day seems appealing…I somehow have a feeling it would have not been a win-win for me.  I have a feeling it’s going to be a complete zoo that day and supplies will be wiped off the shelves in two seconds flat.  No thank you.
  14. This saved me time in more ways then one.
  15. I no longer have to worry about the daunting list and can focus on other things on my plate.
  16. I can’t be called a procrastinator by other moms!
  17. I didn’t have to push around a squeeky or broken cart around the store.
  18. I didn’t have to wait in a checkout line or make small talk with the cashier.
  19. It never fails I feel like I run into someone I know when I am shopping for things I just want to go in and get and get out real quickly.  As fun as it can be to bump into people, this just takes up more time and when you have kids in tow, time is of the essance.  If you are like me you know you only have so many snacks, drinks and distractions before there is a meltdown and all your efforts have been for nothing.
  20. I didn’t have to load up a cart, just to load it back up, just to walk back to my car to unload it into my car and then drive home to unload it all again.  Not to mention, I didn’t have to strap any kids into car seats just to unstrap them and strap them back in again.  Seems like a lot of work to me people!


Thankful Thursday

September 4th is the official start date of the 2018-2019 school year.  My oldest daughter will be in 1st grade.  Call me crazy, but this morning I just peeked at the school supply list and also some of the daunting paper work forms that needed to be filled out for her.  I could easily complain about three things this morning.

  1.  It’s not fair that summer months go by so quickly.
  2.  School supplies alone are going to cost me a small fortune.
  3. Most of this paperwork was filled out last year.  It’s so annoying that we can just look over last years and make corrections needed instead of having to start all over.  Do these people even know the time it takes to fill this out?

However, I am thankful this morning for Thessalonians 5:16-18.  This is kind of like the person sitting on the good side of my shoulder shouting at me to Be J O Y F U L alwaysP R A Y continually and G I V E   T H A N K S in all circumstances for this is G O D ‘ S  W I L L for me.

Instead of the gripes this morning, which can easily set the tone for a negative day, I am so grateful I have the ability to choose to be positive about the things I could complain about.  It’s not an easy thing to do because for me the pessimist in me is constantly trying to take out the opptimist in me.  If this is you too, then you know that it takes practice to set the tone for a positive day sometimes.

So, here is how I’m turning those 3 complaints into positives…

  1.  I can not begin to tell you the amount of joy I have had in having my daughter home with us for the summer months.  It has been so wonderful having her around and seeing how my two girls play together and can make each other smile, giggle and form an everlasting sisterhood together.  We’ve made some great memories by going to the park, playing in our play groups, camping, going to the splash pad and beach among all those smaller joy filled moments such as trips to The Twist for ice cream, family bike rides, small talks, and just being together.
  2. Lord, although it seems like school supplies cost a small fortune, I am beyond grateful that we are able to provide the needed supplies for our daughter so she has all the tools needed for a successful school year where she can thrive, grow and continue to spread her wings.  Not only this, but I know that the supplies we provide do not cover all that the students need and a lot of supplies will be provided by her teacher and she will not get reembursed for them.  For teachers who get paid so little already, bless their hearts for being so selfless and wanting to see their students be the best pupils they can be in and out of the classrooms.  Thank you for the pure fact that we live in a country where we have an abundance of tools for teaching and a community that has the resources to make our schools great.  I know there are many places in our world who are living in poverty and the very things we are complaining about, they are praying for.  Help my heart to be continually greatful and help wash away these complaints that can so easily creep in and set the tone for a negative day.  In your name I pray, A M E N!
  3. I am grateful for a school that is so organized and on top of paperwork that is very important in keeping our students safe and also ensure the rights of all students are being protected.  I appreciate this.  I realize it takes time to fill this paperwork out, and I may not enjoy spending my time like this but it is worth it if keeps my daughter safe and so the school year runs smoother for each student and teacher and the rest of the staff.

What are you thankful for today?



Wondering on Wednesday

This or That Parenting addition…in case you are wondering my take on this parenting gig.

Image result for this or that memes

  1.  Having a Whining Child or A Taddle Tail?  A taddle tail.  I feel like my 6 year old is in the whining stage and this can be an all day affair.  It’s like nails on chalk board with her constant whining.  At least you can distract a taddle tail and the taddling somes in spurts and isn’t a constant, every second, kind of thing.
  2.  Cleaning a full wall of permanent marker scribbles or cleaning up your child’s puke?  Permanent marker.  My gag reflux can not handle puke and the mere sight of puke makes me want to puke and when my nostrils catch a whiff of the smell of vomit it’s all over for me.  Magic eraser is awesome and honestly, my walls probably need to be repainted anyways if I can’t get the marker off.
  3. Having to watch Caillou every morning or having to watch Frozen on repeat?Frozen.  I simply cannot listen to Caillou’s voice…again, it’s like nails on chalkboard.
  4. Potty training or sleep training?  This is a tough one for me because I hate them both equally.  I guess I will go with sleep training though because it’s less messy and doesn’t involve as much work or bribing and rewards.
  5. Running errands with all the kids in tow or shopping online with the kids interrupting you a million times?  Shopping online.  As much as I miss shopping in-store it has been a super huge trigger to my anxiety since K has been born.  She has never been a good little shopper for me.  Sure, it can be a pain to shop online too but at least I can deal with behavior without the brutal stares of the other shoppers and employees and I don’t feel the wrath of judgement suffocating me.  I’ve never done more online shopping in my life then this past year.
  6. Take your family out to dinner at a resturaunt or take your family to the movie theater to see a movie?  I’m going to say dinner at a resturaunt.  If I am lucky enough to go to a movie, I’d rather not have to limit myself to seeing one that is appropriate for my entire family.  With as expensive as they are I want to see it from start to finish and enjoy it.  There is no way K would sit through an entire movie at this age.  If we went to a resturaunt at least we could pick somewhere like Red Robin where is it family friendly and if need me we could get our food to go and wouldn’t lose out on our money.
  7. Basic Hotel with kids or camping with kids?  Camping.  I feel like they are more entertained camping and are better behaved then when they are stuck in a hotel.  Plus when they are entertaining themselves, I don’t have to and I can find moments to relax too.  I feel like moments of relaxation never happen for me when I’ve stayed with the kids at a hotel (which is seldom I do anyways).
  8. A bad night with your kids or bad day with your Kids?  A bad day.  I think a bad night typically results in a bad day as well.  Also, at night I just want to sleep and I am tired too so I have zero patience to deal with their bad night on top of my lack of sleep.
  9. Have your wiggly child sitting on your lap while you try to eat spaghetti or clean up the plate of spaghetti your child through all over the walls and floor?  Clean up spaghetti.  It’s a huge pet peeve of mine when I’m trying to eat and all of a sudden my child decides she wants to sit on my lap and it’s either sit on my lap or throw a tantrum.  However, then I can’t enjoy my meal.  We have a dog who is good about helping us “clean up” food messes so I’m sticking with having to clean up.
  10. Have a child who doesn’t like to snuggle…like at at or have a child who elbows you in the face at three a.m. and has to always be touching you while sleeping?  Oh, I’d rather have the child who elbows me in the face.  I would be heartbroken if my children didn’t like to snuggle with me.  I feel like they are only little for so long and the quality snuggles only get fewer and fewer as they get older so I want to enjoy them while I can elbow in my face and all!
  11. Have a child that took a scissors to her own hair or yours?  Selfishly, I’d rather them take it to their own hair.  I feel like their hair grows back faster then mine would and as an adult I couldn’t handle all the stares if it happened to me because I’m too vain when it comes to my hair (I will be the first to admit that).
  12. Have to clean poop out of the bathtub or vomit out of the carseat?  Clean poop out of the bathtub.  Again, I can’t handle vomit.  Oddly, poop doesn’t bother me as much.
  13. Have to do a school project with your child that involves glitter or involves sequens?  Sequens.  I once heard that glitter is the herpes of craft supplies and it has kind of stuck with me for life because it’s soooo true.  I hate glitter!
  14. Would you rather have to listen to your child who is new to reading, read you a bedtime story while you are tired or would you rather be forced to play barbies and dress up for 3 hours?  Have my child read to me.  Sometimes I lack patience in having E read to me because by bedtime especially, I just want to read the books and be done and not read them at a snails pace BUT I will admit, I do not enjoy playing dress up or barbies.  Once upon a time barbies and playing dress up was life…but at 34 I lack imagination and dread having to do these two things with my child.  Does that make me a bad mom?  Please don’t judge me, haha!
  15. Change a blow out diaper in a filthy dirty gas station bathroom with no changing table or on an airplane?   Change it in the dirty gas station bathroom.  I typically come prepared with a changing pad of my own and sanitary supplies so although this would be disgusting, I could make it work.  I do not however, do well on airplanes in general or small airplane bathrooms.  No thank you!
  16. Be the classroom parent daily for the year or coach your child’s soccer team by yourself?  Coach the child’s soccer team.  I’m good with children and I play soccer so I think I could handle this committment.  However, I have volunteered in my child’s classroom before and I don’t think I would enjoy the daily committment.  It’s just not my cup of tea!
  17. Babysit your friends child who is a chronic biter or babysit your friend’s puppy who also likes to bite?  Babysit the puppy.  I have had to deal with kids who are chronic biters in a daycare setting and it is not enjoyable for anyone…no thank you!  I mean Puppies!!!!  Insert google eyes here!
  18. Forget the diaper bag or your purse?  My purse.  Infact, I forgot that yesterday at my diaper study (this included forgetting my cell phone and leaving E with a new babysitter).  Initially, I freaked out BUT eventually I got over it.  I’d rather be without my cell phone when I left the babysitter with emergency numbers and trusted she would be just fine then be without diapers, wipes, snacks and drinks for my 1 year old!
  19. Drink an entire bottle of your own breastmilk or accidently take a sip of rotten milk?  Probably take a sip of rotten milk.  A sip is just a sip.  I don’t know if I could do an entire bottle of my breastmilk (I’ve never been able to bring myself to try it at all).
  20. Be slightly embarrassed when the person behind you in the checkout line points out you have baby spit up in your hair and on the back of your shirt or see that your child had a potty accident in Target?  Have baby spit up in my hair and on my back.  Potty accidents are much more of a headache, especially while in Target!

Now that you’ve read all my answers to this or that, I’d love to hear yours.  Join the fun and play along and copy and paste the questions in my comments section and reply to them with your answers!  I’m wondering what y’all will choose!

Happy Hump Day!