Wondering On Wednesday

In case you are wondering…I’ll be using up all my bulk buy of Costco Kleenexes with waterworks and snot as I am crying those bittersweet, last day of school, cue all the feels…Mama tears today as it’s the last day of school. I will officially have a 7th grader and a 2nd grader. Whoa–like whhhhaaattt?!

This mama is so immensely proud of my girls in more ways then one and feel so blessed they are growing and thriving, but damn letting go and crossing yet another milestone and saying goodbye to another isn’t easy on a Mama’s heart. I surely need some time to reflect and process my emotions.

In the meantime, I’m giving myself grace today and in the upcoming weeks as not only myself, but my girls will surely be overwhelmed with emotions as they say goodbye to their routines, teachers, classmates, friends and school family while trying to get excited about Summer.

I don’t have time today but hopefully soon I can post some of our pictures we took of their last day! I’m crying just thinking about how much they’ve grown-both happy and sad tears.

It’s always a tough day emotionally.

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