Wondering On Wednesdays

Image result for when mom is sick

In case you are wondering how I am feeling on this Wednesday…I am dragging my butt to the doctor. I am 100% sick and completely burnt out so I will make this blog post brief. I know I’m sick because I called my own mom today crying simply because I just don’t feel good. She is four hours away and I know can’t give me the TLC I desperately want and need her to give me but it still gives me comfort knowing she picked up the phone and I could cry a little to her and she was able to give me a little of her sympathy. Isn’t it funny that no matter how old we get we still want to be in the care of our own Moms when we are sick? They are simply the best. They know just the right things to say and do to make us feel cared for, loved, and better. If you are reading this mom, thank you for all the years you’ve given me TLC when I’ve been sick and I really miss you when I am sick as an adult…it hands down sucks.

I really hope there is an end in sight to this back to back sickness everyone just can’t seem to shake this year. It’s been down right awful.

Image result for lysol the germs meme

2 thoughts on “Wondering On Wednesdays

    • Thank you! I have a sinus infection and was put on an antibiotic. It is helping a tiny bit, things feel a bit more loose today, but I’m still feeling a lot of pressure and my head feels so clogged. They are simply no fun!


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