Free Friday

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As you know, I’ve been waiting for my cycle to start, so I can begin this cycle of IVF.  According to my cycle tracker app on my phone I am 1 day late.  Of course I am 1 day late because I actually wanted my period here yesterday.  Isn’t it ironic that I usually don’t want my period to show and it either shows up early or right on time?!  I am so anxious you guys.  Every time I go to the bathroom I wonder if it will be the moment I realize it is finally here so we can get this ball rolling.  However, at this stage…I am now hoping that my cycle doesn’t show up until Sunday.  Even better if it showed up on Monday.

Once my cycle shows up, I have to go in on cycle day 2 for a monitoring appointment.  This appointment consists of a blood draw and an interal ultrasound and the initial tests take about 10-15 minutes.  With that said, I am doing all of my monitoring appointments here in Appleton.  Lucky for me my clinic in Gurnee allows patients to use satelite clinics for monitoring appointments to cut back on travel time.  It takes us about 2.5 hours to get to Gurnee from where we live.  I consider this to be a perk that they allow us to do the monitoring appointments in Appleton since there are so many of them.

The downfall lies in that my satelite clinic is only open Monday-Saturday.  They are not open on Sundays.  Therefore, if I would need a monitoring appointment on a Sunday then I would need to go to Gurnee for it.  Ultrasounds and blood draws/tests are also more expensive if they fall on the weekend.  So now, I am crossing my fingers that my period shows up either Sunday or Monday so I can avoid the lengthy trip to Gurnee where I would be in the car far longer then I would even be in the office there and also avoid the extra expenses because of weekend costs going up and not to mention the fuel to get there.

I’m going a bit stir crazy not knowing when my period is going to show up.  It also makes it really hard to plan my days ahead.  This is just one of the little annoyances of the process.  However, I am trying so very hard to keep the bigger picture in mind and not stress.and I realize this too, shall pass and it is only taking up a very small fraction of my life as a whole.

No biggy right?!  Excuse me while I continue to wait…

Happy Friday Y’all!

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