Wondering On Wednesday

In case you’ve been wondering…

On Sunday, we ended up having to go to Gurnee because my cycle started on Saturday.  I somehow just had a feeling that would be the case.  Funny how sometimes our intuition is right.  Thankfully my sister spent the night at our house with her kiddos and watched all of the kids in the morning so we could drive the 2.5 hours for a 20 minute appointment and back.  Both my husband and I were up around 4:30am and it was just an exhausting day all around.

It just seems like things are not going super smooth this time around and I don’t like how it’s making me feel-almost like a bad omen or something.  Continually, I try to get myself out of that negative thinking and listen to all the amazing and positive support I have been receiving instead (which I am so grateful for, thank you all).

This time around I have been having extremely bad anxiety.  It seems to last a good majority of the night and overwhelms me at multiple times during the day.  After texting a friend of mine and telling her about ending up needing to drive to Gurnee on Sunday, she shared a quote with me that she had heard once and I absolutely love it.  You betcha I am, of course, going to share it here.

She shared with me that, “God draws strait with crooked lines.” 

I just feel like this quote resignates with me so deeply and I think my friend knew it would.  In this, I continue to have faith even with all these imperfections happen and negative feelings come into play.  Although people are not perfect, including myself, God is perfect.  He has a perfect plan for you and for me and through all these imperfections around me and within me, he can still achieve his perfect plan for me.  Right when my friend shared this quote with me I initially thought that this would make the perfect tattoo for me!

Now, if you are wondering what happened at my appointment on Sunday, I basically had a blood draw, internal ultrasound and the nurse went over medication administration with us.  They called me in the afternoon and told me it was go time and I was to start a few of my meds.  So, I started taking baby aspirin, omniotrope (shot), follitism (shot), and dexamethasone (oral med).  I was to be on this regimine Sun-Tues.

This morning I had my 2nd monitoring appointment (thankfully at my satelite clinic this time).  By afternoon, I should know if I stay on this same medication regimine, change any of the doses and or include any of the other medications.  So, this is currently where I am at in all of this.

Sorry for being MIA-lots going on!  I will likely be spotty in my blog posting for a while.

Happy Wednesday!


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